CASLI Board of Managers

The CASLI Board of Managers is separate from the RID, Inc  Board of Directors and will oversee the day-to-day administrative operations of CASLI and provide leadership in the planning and development activities of CASLI. Managers are appointed by the RID, Inc. Board of Directors based on a strong background in interpretation, teaching, testing and measurement, certification finance and business, research, and other related skill sets. They also represent both the Deaf and interpreting communities and diverse stakeholders in the commitment to quality of interpreting services. The Board of Managers is comprised of at least 5 individuals who serve two-year appointments.

Sachiko Flores, MA


Ku Mei Butler Kern, MA



Dr. Gloshanda Lawyer, NIC

Valerie McMillan, MA,  NAD IV

Dr. Onudeah “Oni” Nicolarakis