CASLI November 2023 Updates

Hello all,

The last few months continues to be a busy month for CASLI team as we continues to do our work.  Thank you for your patience and support as we continue to work in keeping things progressing.

NIC Performance Exam results update:

At the time of writing this, raters are finishing up February 2023 exams.  This means all exams between July 2022 – January 2023 have been sent out and February 2023 results will be sent out within a week or so. We also anticipate for March 2023 results to go out within the next few weeks. During the month of December, we anticipate raters will continue to work on April, May and June 2023 exams.  Please keep in mind with upcoming holidays and vacations, raters will be spending times with their family/friends.  For that reason, deployment of exam results may slow down a bit for the next month or so.  At this time, we anticipate a bit of delay with finishing up 2023 exams which is more likely to conclude around March 2024.  We thank you for your patience and understanding with this process.

Testing Cycle Expiration:

CASLI will continue to calculate candidates testing cycle expiration dates in the upcoming months. When candidates have received their exam results, testing cycle expiration date will be updated within 60 days. If you need to know your testing cycle expiration date immediately in concern that testing cycle may expire soon; please contact us and we will calculate it and communicate with you. 

CASLI Testing Sites:

With upcoming holidays and other things happenings, some of the testing sites have limited availability and some have closed their site temporarily due to other reasons. Please, when planning your test appointment logistics, please monitor CASLI’s LTA sites and review any notes that may have been added.  Color pins represents the following:  Green – available to take exam at; Purple – site is temporarily closed for exam administration; Yellow & Red – site is currently going through implementation process and not yet able to administer exams. 

As always, CASLI continues to strive in expanding our network of testing sites by implementing more sites across the US and even Canada.  If you know of possible organizations/company/business or even colleges/universities that would be a good fit, please let us know and we will reach out to them. If you are interested in becoming a local test administrator or know of a potential testing site that could be a good fit,  please reach out to and more information is available on CASLI’s website at CASLI’s Local Test Administrators page.

Opportunity to become rater for CASLI:

Applications to become rater for CASLI exams are accepted on rolling basis. If you are interested in becoming raters, please apply.  We continue to need more BIPOC and Deaf raters.  If any questions regarding this, please contact   

Demographics for FY22 & FY23:

CASLI has been working on reconciling candidates’ demographic and exams taken to generate CASLI Exam Demographics reports for FY22 and FY23.  We anticipate to release it early 2024.  

Reminder of CASLI Exam policies:

A friendly reminder of two practices/policies that CASLI has in place. 

30 days window to purchase exam: Regardless of which exam it is, once the candidate submit an exam request for the exam to be added to their CASLI’s account, they have 30 days window to purchase the exam (from when the exam is added to the candidates’ CASLI account). Once it pass 30 days and the exam has not been purchased, it will disappear from the candidates’ CASLI account. This is a reminder so you can plan ahead and be mindful of when you plan to purchase your exam within 30 days from your exam request. This will help reduce the hassle of having to resubmit a new request for exam to be added to your CASLI account.

One year time frame to take exam: Once your exam has been purchased, you have an one year timeframe to take your exam.  If the exam is not taken nor a refund has been requested prior to the end of the year (from when the exam has been purchased, then all exam-related fees will be forfeit and exam token number will be voided.  Again, this is a friendly reminder so candidates are aware and can plan accordingly.

As always, anytime there are any questions or need for more information, please do not hesitate to contact us at,, or

Have a wonderful and safe holiday season.


2023-11-22T18:01:01+00:00November 22nd, 2023|From the Director's Desk, News, Resources|
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