Opening Slide Image Description:
Screen opens with the CASLI Logo: CASLI letterings split into two. One half is red and the other half is grey with “Center for the Assessment of Sign Language Interpretation” juxtaposed in between the split CASLI letterings. August 26. 2021: CASLI Updates in black text

Image Description:
Screen dissolves to show Sean Furman, white man smiling, wearing a blue polo shirt sitting in a black chair against a grey background.


Hi, I’m Sean Furman, the testing coordinator for CASLI. I hope this video finds you well, that you are staying safe, staying healthy. CASLI has been extremely busy with a lot going on. We want to communicate what has been going on, the updates related to CASLI, testing, and so forth.

The first update we have is related to the candidates testing cycle expiration dates. We have over four thousand (4,000+) candidates that are in the middle of their testing cycle. Mainly because of our recent hold on the testing cycle while we were working to transition to the new CASLI Exam System AND the impact of the COVID pandemic, which prolonged the pause on the testing cycle. We have recently restarted the clock on the testing cycle as of June 1, 2021 after two years. We have had to calculate over four thousand (4,000+) candidates’ new testing cycle expiration date since then.

Our Temp, Vicky, has done a great job. Kudos to her for all of her hard work in calculating and inputting over four thousand (4,000+) candidates’ new testing cycle expiration date. We just finished up the data entry in both candidate’s RID and CASLI accounts. So, please, take a look in your CASLI account, under the note section, you should see your new testing cycle expiration date. You can also look in your RID account to see the testing expiration date as well. We have updated all the information there. If you don’t have a CASLI Exam System account, you can go ahead and create an account. You can go to to create an account. Make sure that your information matches your RID account such as your email, name, and RID ID number. Once you have done that, then you can then contact us for us to add the testing cycle information to your CASLI account. Again, tremendous thanks to Vicky for her hard work. If you have any questions about your testing cycle expiration date, contact us.

Secondly, the CASLI Generalist Knowledge exam with the Case Studies exam was released recently in May 2021. The exams have been administered by Scantron, our contracted company. As the exams are still in their beta period, that means candidates are not currently getting their exam results until after the scoring committee has convened to review all the exams. We have already surpassed the number of exams required for the scoring committee to look over them for review and discussions. The meeting amongst the scoring committee should convene in September with our psychometrician to discuss and decide what the cut score, the passing score, for the exam. Once that is determined, then we will have to set it up in our CASLI Exam System to calculate all the candidate’s test results and send the results to candidates’ email. I do foresee this happening within the Fall of 2021. So, be on the lookout for that! Thank you for your patience while you wait for your exam results.

Moving on, the Deaf Interpreter Performance Exam (DIPE), that started administration last December of 2020. Some candidates have taken the exam over time and we have been encouraging our Deaf candidates to take the exam. Now, we’re almost to the threshold of the required number of exams for the scoring committee to review the exams. The scoring committee for the Deaf Interpreter Performance Exam plans to convene in October, led by our psychometrician to review and discuss different candidates’ exams to figure out the criteria while also determining the appropriate cut, or pass, score for the exams.

We anticipate that candidates should get their test results by late Fall 2021 or possibly early Winter. The reason for that is because the process takes time because after the scoring committee gathers, we will then have to train our raters to make sure they follow the criteria when rating the exams, then the raters will rate the exams. Candidates will then start to get notifications of their exam results, again in late Fall 2021 or early Winter. Thank you for your patience, I know that many of you have been waiting patiently. Again, thank you for your patience and being willing to be a part of the first group to take the test. Thank you.

Next, for the Hearing Interpreter Performance exam, we were supposed to start filming last year, March 2020, but the pandemic hit so that impacted and prolonged the process. We are finally scheduled to start filming early October 2021. Hopefully, things will work out seamlessly. Once the filming is done, we will then have to edit the vignettes, set it up in our testing system, conduct alpha tests to make sure everything looks good, running smoothly to have it ready for the release of the Hearing Interpreter Performance exam. I foresee the release happening in late 2021 or possibly 2022. Of course, we will let candidates know ahead of time when the new Hearing Interpreter Performance exam will be released so you’ll have time to be prepared and know what to expect ahead of time.

So, that’s all the updates we have. You can see that we have really been busy and hard at work to continue the progress made. Again, thank you all for your patience and understanding. Anytime you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us. Again, thank you, stay safe, stay healthy! Take care!


Closing Slide Image Description:
Screen dissolves to show the CASLI Logo.
Sean Furman, Testing Coordinator VP/VRS: 571-257-4761
Sami Willicheva, Testing Specialist VP/VRS: 571-357-3896 (in black text)