Image Description: White male with short brown hair wearing a purple polo style shirt standing in front of a blank wall is signing.
Hello I’m Sean Furman and I’m the testing coordinator for CASLI (Center for Assessment Sign Language Interpretation). Exciting things are happening now with CASLI. As a significant part of my role, I am responsible for implementing a new network of Local Testing Administrator (LTA). LTA are responsible for administering both Knowledge exam and Performance exam. CASLI is currently seeking sites that understand ASL, visual languages and roles of interpreting such as college/university that have interpreter training program, deaf agencies and organizations, schools for deaf, interpreting agencies and so forth.
If your facility is interested in becoming LTA, please contact me and I will send more information your way. If you have recommendations for possible LTA sites – please let me know and I will reach out to them to see if they are interested in becoming an LTA. It is our goal to expand CASLI network of LTA to support the interpreters and deaf community.
I look forward to collaborating with you all. Thanks for watching and have a great day.